31 December 2005

A quiz that made the rounds a while ago

20 years ago I was: living in Wheaton, but can’t really remember it, except that I was in Miss Hyatt’s (sp?) class.
15 years ago I was: in Portland. Eighth grade is hell.
10 years ago I was: waiting tables at an Indonesian restaurant.
5 years ago I was: in Turkey; Cappadocia, to be exact.
1 year ago I was: doing nothing in particular.
Yesterday I was: puttering around my house in Visalia.
5 snacks I enjoy: Starbucks mocha light frappucino, Peanut M&Ms, fresh fruit, Cheetos, es cendol.
5 things I would do with a million dollars: Pay taxes, donate to Biola’s science division or a mission organization (can’t decide which), pay off student loans, pay off house mortgage, put the rest in the bank.
5 places I would run away to: Italy, West Papua, Caribbean island, south of France, England.
5 things I would never wear: Ugg boots with a skirt (!!!), anything orange, purple and red together (not even when I’m an old woman), high heels with ankle socks, my heart on my sleeve.
5 favorite TV programs: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Stargate, Futurama, The Simpsons (that’s not even including the classic TV shows I love; and I snuck in two shows for the price of one with Stargate).
5 bad habits: Eating junk food, complaining, avoiding homework, reading tabloid news on Yahoo, not replying to emails or phone calls promptly enough.
5 biggest joys: Off the top of my head: My cats (don’t laugh), my hubby, sunshine, reading a good book, listening to and/or making music.
5 favourite toys: laptop, iPod mini, flute, piano, DDR.
5 fictional characters I would date: Not many. Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (and not because of any of the movies). Dr. Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1. Contrary to popular belief, I would NOT date William the Bloody (aka Spike) from Buffy, because we would be utterly incompatible. I would totally date Wesley from Buffy/Angel, though.

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