28 February 2011

Jane Russell died


I wish comfort to her family and friends. She was actually a fellow believer, so while her dear ones may mourn, they can have hope for the future.

End of February

And the end of Black History Month (which is kind of an odd concept, when you think about it).

I always remind people that there are lots of black people all over the world, not just in the US or even Africa, and many of them are still in conditions of marginalization or even outright persecution.

09 February 2011

February already!

It was 8 F when I came into work this morning at 6:30 am. I'm pretty sure my brain can't actually comprehend that, because I was reasonably okay walking from my car to the building (it wasn't windy) but I just kept repeating "COLD COLD COLD COLD" in my mind.

The Little Bug's daddy has been visiting us for several days, so that has given me a welcome respite from bearing the entire burden of parenting. I've had a few nice early mornings at work. I haven't had to plan and cook dinner after work. The Little Bug has been able to spend all day with his daddy instead of going to daycare.

Speaking of the Little Bug, he turned 3 years old on Super Bowl Sunday!

Anyway, that's the summary of the past week or so. I never like cold weather, and naturally, I like it less and less as winter wears on. I'm looking forward to spring with a wistful eagerness.