04 March 2006


Let's see. Not much to report from around here.

Yesterday, we had a tornado warning. No joke. Apparently, there was a twister sighted near Porterville, so pretty much all of the county was on alert. I was watching The High and the Mighty on AMC (haven't been able to see it for years, due to the only-recently-resolved copyright dispute, or whatever it was, that caused the Wayne family estate to prevent its release into the home entertainment market), and the emergency weather warning system interrupted the broadcast--the first time I've ever seen that happen. The tornado didn't actually come anywhere near me, though (despite the fact that we're only a few miles from Goshen, heehee), so nothing exciting actually happened. There was a double rainbox just to the east of me, though.

Last night, we watched Sci Fi Friday and ate pizza (it's getting to be a tradition). The folks at Sci Fi are trying hard, but I think the Stargate shows had problems this season, particularly Atlantis. Okay, all things considered, Stargate SG-1 was pretty good. So that leaves Stargate Atlantis as the culprit. I've felt that they really lack forward momentum, and a lot of their episodes indicated nothing so much as the fact that the Atlantis base is led by rank idiots (*spoiler* Cf the wraith guy they kidnapped and experimented on with the retrovirus--WHO thought that was a good idea? Oh, yeah, Dr. Weir. She brings shame upon all of us who seek to be taken seriously as forward-thinking leaders.). If they don't pull their act together, they're gonna get cancelled. Perhaps Sci Fi will replace them with Firefly Season 2 in their Sci Fi Friday lineup.

Now, Jeff is working on homework, and I'm puttering about the house doing minor chores.


Melissa P. said...


Kiti said...

Are you mocking me because I have a boring life?