21 April 2006


Yes, the bubonic plague has made the news! My favorite blight of humanity!

In LA.

I TOLD people that plague issues would resurface. I told you all! I predict that we'll hear of more in the not-too-distant future. A valuable lesson: Listen to Deb.

More about Yersinia pestis.


Willow said...

Where in central LA? Probably my neighbor...
BTW, we're home...

Wendy said...

Did you see the Dateline story tonight about what could potentially happen if there was a breakout of the Avian Flu? It was like watching one of those specials about what would happen when Y2K hit.

And you should know this... what's the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic? My know-it-all husband claims to not know and the dictionary really doesn't clear it up.

Kiti said...

A pandemic is pretty much a really big epidemic, on something like a continental level. An epidemic hits a city or region, a pandemic decimates a continent (a la Africa and AIDS).

Does that make sense?