06 April 2006


I know y'all have been waiting with bated breath to hear how my new job is getting along... or maybe you don't really care, and that is fine, too.

So far (Day 3 of Deb Has Gainful Employment, or DHGE), my time at the Small Anonymous Technical Company, or SATC, has been lovely. I am learning A LOT, and am coming up to speed nicely on both the day-to-day operations of the company and the applications for which I am to become an expert. It's a little bit early to make the call, but I suspect that I am going to like my job very much, which will be a welcome change from my last job at the HATC, where I sometimes sort of wished I would die so I wouldn't have to go to work anymore (long story). I seriously cannot wait until I am studied up and prepared enough to to go out and teach and train people.

This evening, Jeff and I went to Debbie and Jerry's house for our now-traditional dinner-and-Bones thing. Dinner was yummy. Bones was slightly less good, and I'm hoping they return to a simpler formula, with the protagonists solving murders that do not involve their personal lives, as well as the more balanced interplay among all the regular main and supporting characters. The "squints" have gone from being very real to being almost unbelievable last week and this week, and even Booth and Brennan have taken to being caricatures of themselves, a la "Hello, I'm goofy, but serious deep-down" versus "Hello, I'm uptight, and clueless because I don't own a TV". Dear writers: Please bring back humanity to your characters.


Willow said...

I, for one, have waited with bated breath for a report. And I'm pleased to know that you like it at SATC.

Melissa P. said...

I don't own a TV. Does that make me uptight and clueless? Hehehe.

Wendy said...

What does "A LOT" stand for?

Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm amused by your other acronyms.

Kiti said...

A LOT stands for Absolutely Luscious Outstanding Torte. It's yummy chocolate! Heheh.