Wow, I really HAVE been terrible about updating my blog. If you must know, however, it's largely because I have a rather boring life at the moment.
Another reason is the fact that I've been in Tallahassee (Florida) for the past four days, with inconsistent internet access. There was a business center in my hotel, but the hotel also had hundreds of teenaged children (they were hosting some sort of 4H mock legislature convention), so the business center was monopolized by adolescents who were trying to be cool, flirting awkwardly, and checking their MySpace accounts. Ugh.
In the realm of Deb trivia, it was fun to visit Tallahassee, as I almost decided to go there after college for the Ph.D. in Geochemistry program at Florida State U. Obviously, the Lord took me in a different direction, but it was kind of fun to see what Florida is like. On the whole, however, Tallahassee is pretty podunk; it looks kind of stereotypically southern redneck trashy, and the vast majority of people there are associated with either government (as it's the state capital) or the universities (both FSU and Florida A&M are there). Sadly, I didn't get to drive down to the coast (no rental car, this trip), so I didn't get to spend time at a real beach.

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