The whole gang: Sandra and William, Jeremy (sans Sara, who was at her grandfather's funeral in OR), Mum and Dad, Deb and Jeff, Elizabeth, Mia, Christina and Will. I love these people!
Sister pose! We're practicing for the future, when we'll rule art gallery openings, embassy balls, and the proverbial red carpet with a double set of well-manicured iron fists (in velvet gloves, of course).

We returned on Sunday to have Bible study. We are starting a study of the book of Acts. People had originally wanted to speed through Acts in 10-12 lessons, but after my introductory overview, they agreed to a happier 23-lesson plan. Heheheh.
We've both been working hard, and we've also been to the gym a few times. I'm trying Pilates, which is actually really easy for me, as I have (for some unknown reason) naturally strong abs. I am making an effort to have a good attitude about exercise.
Wow! How did I ever manage to give birth to TWO beautiful women???
The luck of the draw and good genetics ;oP
shucks, I missed out this year. :(
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