27 July 2006

Not much to report at present. Perhaps there will be more tomorrow or the day after.

Recently, I've amused myself by thinking of various unique ways to say "He's not very bright."
There are the old standards, such as "Not the brightest bulb on the tree" or "The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor". Here are a few of my new ones:
-Not the sharpest blade in the Swiss army knife.
-Not the highest-rising muffin in the pan.
-A few donuts short of a squad car.

We're a good way through Season 4 of Angel, and I must say, I don't much care for the writing this season. A lot of it can be summed up with the word, "Ew!!" It's interesting, though, to see a few of the ways that Joss Whedon managed to find employment for his out-of-work Firefly actors.

Great Angel quote: "For a taciturn shadowy guy, I've got a big mouth."
Great Groosalugg quote: "Hail to you potential client."
Great Cordy quote: "Am I wrong in thinking that a "please" and "thank you" is generally considered good form when requesting a dismemberment?" Aw, Cordy!
Bonus Cordy quote: "Hey, the last thing I want is to show up at the office and find that I'm working for a homicidal monster."
Great Wesley quote: "If you've come to tell me you killed your parents, could it wait until another time?"
And remember, the Gateway to Lost Souls is under the LA post office!

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