27 January 2009

Status on To-Do

It is noon, and so far, I have accomplished the following:
  • Gotten Nathan and me ready for the day.
  • Flossed my teeth. I don't do this often enough.
  • Gotten at least a little food into Nathan and me.
  • Run one load of laundry through washer and dryer, have one load in the dryer, and one in the washer.
  • Called the engine service place about taking my car in. As it turns out, they are booked solid today and tomorrow, so I have an appointment on Thursday morning. Technically, I didn't actually complete that task on my to-do list, but I think I can cross it off anyway, as I addressed the issue and did as much as I can about it today.
  • Restocked Nathan's diaper bag. I do that almost daily, of course, as I like to have it sitting ready to go at a moment's notice. In addition to plenty of diapers and wipes, I always pack a blanket, a burp cloth (which I actually seldom if ever use for burping, but they're great for so many things, such as an emergency changing pad), an extra onesie, and a pair of socks. In the winter, add sweater/jacket and booties for warmth. Then there are the consumables: snack-sized portions of applesauce and/or Cheerios, and the essential Orajel and teething tablets. Oh, and a toy or book.
  • Washed Nathan's diaper bag's changing pad.
  • Changed Nathan's diaper three times and his outfit once.
  • Recycled two papers.

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