He was beating the cancer again, only to be taken in a freak accident. It's so tragic and far too soon. I am in shock now, but know that I will soon be experiencing anger and resentment, in addition to sorrow.
Here is Ojan with a bunch of friends: Philip Scharer, Roland Morgan, Dan Price, Ojan, me, Michael Nance.
I'm sorry to hear that! I didn't know him, really at all, but remember you always spoke very highly of him. He also seemed like a very loyal and, obviously, intelligent man. I'm sorry to hear his last few months were spent fighting that nightmare... But as Willow said, we will see him again! And, he's no longer suffering in his new, cancer-free body! PTL!
Rest in peace, Ojan! We will see you again!
I'm sorry to hear that! I didn't know him, really at all, but remember you always spoke very highly of him. He also seemed like a very loyal and, obviously, intelligent man. I'm sorry to hear his last few months were spent fighting that nightmare... But as Willow said, we will see him again! And, he's no longer suffering in his new, cancer-free body! PTL!
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