If anyone is wondering why I haven't continued in posting my "wedding round-ups", with photos and commentary, it's because my laptop DIED and my pictures are all on my hard drive. =( But it turned out that my laptop was not dead, but only comatose, for my wonderful computer wiz husband was able to get it started again and back up all of my photos and other files. That's a temporary solution, and we're figuring out how to fully resuscitate my poor darling laptop (possibly reinstalling Windows, or getting a new hard drive). I'll get the wedding stuff going again, ASAP.
Meanwhile, I'll do something useful, though unimaginative: a few suggestions for Christmas gifts for the poor bereaved Kiti.
-Hello Kitty laptop bag: Not only do I refuse to consider that I won't have my laptop back, I am actively planning to involve it even more in my life, via appropriate accessorization.
-Hello Kitty handbag: I'm seeking to add variety to my tote life, as I currently have only boring black or serviceable brown for everyday purses, and I don't want to carry fancy purses around. What better way to express my classic fearless Kitiness than to sport another famous Kitty.
Cute red design
Grey and blue tote, perfect for school
Brown and pink messenger bag, also perfect for school or perhaps a small laptop
Brown suede, classic purse design. Jeff is always wanting me to move away from depressing black.
More later. I need to go to bed.
A varied mix of elements - some sweet, some spicy - creating a complex, lovely, fragrant whole.
29 November 2006
26 November 2006
Annoy, tiny blonde one! Annoy like the wind!
Elizabeth left mid-morning today. I spent the afternoon doing laundry and watching an old Gregory Peck/Sophia Loren movie, Arabesque. I didn't finish it yet, though.
Sometimes, it's hard to be me. It is especially hard to be me in relation to other people. If I'm rude and prickly at times, maybe it's just a bad time for me to be around people. They should create a system of warnings and threat levels for INTJs.
"Today's Short-tempered Kiti Threat Level: Orange. Do not make any sudden moves or discuss politics. Force her to have at least one hour of alone time. We also strongly advise against suggesting the viewing of modern romantic comedies."
We had Bible study this evening. Once again, it was demonstrated that it is difficult to have a study with people of such varying experience in the Word. One person stated that she has not been fed in Bible study, for a while, and she wants to go to a more topical approach that will give her ways to apply the Bible to her life (and she suggested that we should do the 40 Days of Purpose thing in January). I reminded her that it is each person's responsibility to figure out how to live the Bible in one's life, but to no avail: I think she wants to be spoon-fed. And, then, why not? She is sort of a toddler Christian, so getting milky nourishment is not a bad thing for her. I guess it is just hard for me to see it for myself.
I called my mom and talked for a long while. It was nice.
Sometimes, it's hard to be me. It is especially hard to be me in relation to other people. If I'm rude and prickly at times, maybe it's just a bad time for me to be around people. They should create a system of warnings and threat levels for INTJs.
"Today's Short-tempered Kiti Threat Level: Orange. Do not make any sudden moves or discuss politics. Force her to have at least one hour of alone time. We also strongly advise against suggesting the viewing of modern romantic comedies."
We had Bible study this evening. Once again, it was demonstrated that it is difficult to have a study with people of such varying experience in the Word. One person stated that she has not been fed in Bible study, for a while, and she wants to go to a more topical approach that will give her ways to apply the Bible to her life (and she suggested that we should do the 40 Days of Purpose thing in January). I reminded her that it is each person's responsibility to figure out how to live the Bible in one's life, but to no avail: I think she wants to be spoon-fed. And, then, why not? She is sort of a toddler Christian, so getting milky nourishment is not a bad thing for her. I guess it is just hard for me to see it for myself.
I called my mom and talked for a long while. It was nice.
24 November 2006
Just Like Kevin
I recorded Just Like Heaven on the DVR a while back, and when I mentioned it to Jeff, he thought I called it Just Like Kevin, and didn't understand what I was talking about. It was funny, but I guess you had to be there. Anyway, some of my friends really liked this movie, so I recorded it on the off chance I might be able to tolerate a recently-made romantic comedy.
Elizabeth is here, so romantic comedy is the game of the day. We're watching Just Like Heaven. And doing some laundry. And because my laptop is currently matih, I don't have access to my "movie reviews" document file and therefore must write my insightful movie reviews online. You lucky people, you.
Just Like Heaven isn't quite like heaven, actually, but it is really not bad. It is improbable, but Elizabeth told me not to overanalyze it. For some reason, I really like Reese Witherspoon's work, despite some of my more critical functions telling me I shouldn't. The only one I haven't liked was Sweet Home Alabama, and I just put that out of my mind.
Anyway... It's sort of like While You Were Sleeping, only not. It speaks against terminating human life for any reason, which is very family-friendly. Interesting perspective. If you have a few hours to kill, and have run out of Academy Award-winners and quirky Wes Anderson films, Just Like Heaven is a fairly innocuous way to blow time.
We have been vegging and watching a lot of movies. We craftily subverted Elizabeth into a Harry Potter fan, by watching films 2-4 (she'd already seen the first HP movie, though she hadn't read any of the books). Then, today, we went to see Happy Feet (meh).
Elizabeth is here, so romantic comedy is the game of the day. We're watching Just Like Heaven. And doing some laundry. And because my laptop is currently matih, I don't have access to my "movie reviews" document file and therefore must write my insightful movie reviews online. You lucky people, you.
Just Like Heaven isn't quite like heaven, actually, but it is really not bad. It is improbable, but Elizabeth told me not to overanalyze it. For some reason, I really like Reese Witherspoon's work, despite some of my more critical functions telling me I shouldn't. The only one I haven't liked was Sweet Home Alabama, and I just put that out of my mind.
Anyway... It's sort of like While You Were Sleeping, only not. It speaks against terminating human life for any reason, which is very family-friendly. Interesting perspective. If you have a few hours to kill, and have run out of Academy Award-winners and quirky Wes Anderson films, Just Like Heaven is a fairly innocuous way to blow time.
We have been vegging and watching a lot of movies. We craftily subverted Elizabeth into a Harry Potter fan, by watching films 2-4 (she'd already seen the first HP movie, though she hadn't read any of the books). Then, today, we went to see Happy Feet (meh).
23 November 2006
More Paris Hilton
Could there be any reason why a person would declare a desire for more Paris Hilton? Faint ye not, faithful readers! I have found a setting in which our much-despised Ms. Hilton is not only tolerable but beneficial. To whit:
I recently began watching Veronica Mars. Sara started watching during Season 1 a few years ago, and recommended it to me early on as something that I would probably really enjoy. I didn't jump on the bandwagon, as I was already deeply committed to some other TV shows (e.g. Buffy and The Simpsons, to name a few), and to be honest, I don't always share Sara's taste in entertainment (let's just say that it is due to her influence that I've suffered through many an hour of rom-com dreck: for instance, Miss Congeniality 2). But Jeff and I recently finished watching all of Angel, via Netflix, and I decided to try at least one disk of Veronica Mars' Season 1, as my heart was ready to give Sara's recommendation a chance, and if I didn't like it, I didn't have to watch any more. Well, beginning with the first moment of the first episode, I was hooked. A good many Buffy aficianados are commenting on the similarities between the protagonists of the two shows, and no less a person than Joss Whedon has put his stamp of approval on VM (up to and including appearing as a guest star in an episode).
For myself, I really like it. I identify with Veronica in many ways, I appreciate her relationships and the plot situations, and the realism with which some of them are handled, and the obvious theatricality in others (after all, it's television; if I want completely real reality, I'll videotape my own life). I think the writing is decent, and it has been getting stronger as Season 1 progresses. I wait eagerly for my disk to arrive in the mail, and watch it as soon as possible when it does come. I am in the middle of a cliffhanger right now, and am angry that the holiday weekend will interrupt mail service. Will Veronica ever find Lilly's true killer? What, oh what, will happen with Logan and his mother?!? Ah, the suspense!
Anyway, Paris Hilton had a role as a guest star (playing a spoiled rich girl who engages in inappropriate sexual relationships... hmmm...) in one of the first episodes, and while she is no kind of actress, she was believable in her role, and I think it would have benefitted the series to maintain her character as something like tragicomic relief. I found it jarring to have lack of continuity: characters appear in one episode, and then are never seen again, even though they supposedly live within the community or go to school with Veronica. They should keep some of the one-shot characters around, even if they just serve as extras in the background, to keep that crucial sense of realism and continuity.
My one dark spot is that Jeff refuses to watch "teen angst TV" with me, so I have to go it alone. I suspect that he would get hooked, too, just as he did with Buffy, but he won't give it a chance.
I recently began watching Veronica Mars. Sara started watching during Season 1 a few years ago, and recommended it to me early on as something that I would probably really enjoy. I didn't jump on the bandwagon, as I was already deeply committed to some other TV shows (e.g. Buffy and The Simpsons, to name a few), and to be honest, I don't always share Sara's taste in entertainment (let's just say that it is due to her influence that I've suffered through many an hour of rom-com dreck: for instance, Miss Congeniality 2). But Jeff and I recently finished watching all of Angel, via Netflix, and I decided to try at least one disk of Veronica Mars' Season 1, as my heart was ready to give Sara's recommendation a chance, and if I didn't like it, I didn't have to watch any more. Well, beginning with the first moment of the first episode, I was hooked. A good many Buffy aficianados are commenting on the similarities between the protagonists of the two shows, and no less a person than Joss Whedon has put his stamp of approval on VM (up to and including appearing as a guest star in an episode).
For myself, I really like it. I identify with Veronica in many ways, I appreciate her relationships and the plot situations, and the realism with which some of them are handled, and the obvious theatricality in others (after all, it's television; if I want completely real reality, I'll videotape my own life). I think the writing is decent, and it has been getting stronger as Season 1 progresses. I wait eagerly for my disk to arrive in the mail, and watch it as soon as possible when it does come. I am in the middle of a cliffhanger right now, and am angry that the holiday weekend will interrupt mail service. Will Veronica ever find Lilly's true killer? What, oh what, will happen with Logan and his mother?!? Ah, the suspense!
Anyway, Paris Hilton had a role as a guest star (playing a spoiled rich girl who engages in inappropriate sexual relationships... hmmm...) in one of the first episodes, and while she is no kind of actress, she was believable in her role, and I think it would have benefitted the series to maintain her character as something like tragicomic relief. I found it jarring to have lack of continuity: characters appear in one episode, and then are never seen again, even though they supposedly live within the community or go to school with Veronica. They should keep some of the one-shot characters around, even if they just serve as extras in the background, to keep that crucial sense of realism and continuity.
My one dark spot is that Jeff refuses to watch "teen angst TV" with me, so I have to go it alone. I suspect that he would get hooked, too, just as he did with Buffy, but he won't give it a chance.
21 November 2006
Wedding - Dan 6
Back into the action of the reception: Toasts, dancing, etc. Dad gives the father-of-the-groom toast, while Dan and Jennifer (and the DJs in the background) listen. By the way, I also gave an elaborate and engaging toast: I read aloud a short story and even had PROPS. But I didn't get any photos of that because, hello!, I was in action at the time. Anyway, here, Mom poses with me, and then dances with Dad to Elvis' "Can't Help Falling in Love". There was lots of dancing, which made me happy, because I love to dance. I boogied the night away.

Fun times.
The bride and groom slip away into the night.

Fun times.

Wedding - Dan 5
Another reception feature: Relatives I see only at weddings. Interestingly, I am growing to like more of my relatives as I mature. I used to think I didn't much care for many of them. After all, you can pick your friends, but your relatives are sort of foisted upon you, you know? And I didn't really grow up with relatives nearby. But I can now tolerate all of them, and really like some of them.
We have JR and Steve Marshall (brothers). Bobby Price and Jesse Price. Steve with Thomas Price. Me with Becky Price (sister of Bobby). And then, of course, me with my Adik Michael--Don't mess with us!

We have JR and Steve Marshall (brothers). Bobby Price and Jesse Price. Steve with Thomas Price. Me with Becky Price (sister of Bobby). And then, of course, me with my Adik Michael--Don't mess with us!

Wedding - Dan 4
I did not take pictures during the ceremony, since I was standing up front with a bouquet. However, I would like to take this opportunity to state that having young children in weddings is nearly always a disastrous proposition. Dan and Jennifer's flower girls were just really bratty. They clowned around on the platform during the wedding, and refused to follow directions. I had several "now I remember why I don't have children" moments within the span of 10 minutes.
The reception: Plenty of Biola buddies. My mom with her ersatz sons Ojan and Will. Michael Nance and Gretchen Foltz. Kate don't-remember-her-last-name and Mike Davis. Me with a bunch of my favorite gentlemen (Phil, Roland, Dan, Ojan, and Mike). With Roland Morgan, who was very positive and upbeat, considering this was a WEDDING. My BFF!!! And of course, me with my sweet friend Phil Scharer, who was a great and supportive groomsman; we have known each other since our first semester at Biola, and traveled to Turkey, Greece, and Italy together with Talbot Bible Lands. We scaled the walls of Troy! Humorous sidenote: Phil looks so much like a Price that we've decided to adopt him, since most people assume he's related to us anyway.

The reception: Plenty of Biola buddies. My mom with her ersatz sons Ojan and Will. Michael Nance and Gretchen Foltz. Kate don't-remember-her-last-name and Mike Davis. Me with a bunch of my favorite gentlemen (Phil, Roland, Dan, Ojan, and Mike). With Roland Morgan, who was very positive and upbeat, considering this was a WEDDING. My BFF!!! And of course, me with my sweet friend Phil Scharer, who was a great and supportive groomsman; we have known each other since our first semester at Biola, and traveled to Turkey, Greece, and Italy together with Talbot Bible Lands. We scaled the walls of Troy! Humorous sidenote: Phil looks so much like a Price that we've decided to adopt him, since most people assume he's related to us anyway.

Wedding - Dan 3
Well, Blogger doesn't always let me display photos to their best advantage. You'll have to make do.
Before the wedding:
Two of my favorite men in the world. Devoted sisters who look more and more alike as they get older. Mia relaxing before walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid. Dan and Deb in a cozy moment.

The beautiful bride says, "Let's get this show on the road!"
Before the wedding:
Two of my favorite men in the world. Devoted sisters who look more and more alike as they get older. Mia relaxing before walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid. Dan and Deb in a cozy moment.

The beautiful bride says, "Let's get this show on the road!"

Wedding - Dan 2
Still at rehearsal dinner: The all-important ritual of the presentation of the bride price!!!! Yes, my family is pretty weird, all things considered. We are some of the very few Moskona-Americans, and we keep up our proud traditions from the old country.
Dad in his favored mode--teacher! He explains the cultural significance of the exchanging of a bride price in a marriage.
Jennifer is fascinated to discover that she is worth a kain timor and eight pigs.
The brothers and fathers are usually the ones involved in managing and arbitrating the negotiation of the bride price. Here, they pose Moskona-style with the bride price.
20 November 2006
Wedding - Dan 1
I need to chronicle five weddings, in-depth: Sherida's, Bekah's, Mia's, Christina's, and Dan's. I know, I know. I've been slacking badly. To make amends, I'm starting with the most recent, and will proceed backward, as time and back pains allow.
Week before last, Jeff and I drove all day to make it to Phoenix for the rehearsal, but forgot about the hour time difference between AZ and CA (it wasn't there a few weeks ago!), so we were late. However, Tim and Mia were even later than we were, so yay them! The rehearsal was pretty low-key. Jennifer was the most relaxed bride I've ever encountered; Dan was rather more uptight. I was there with a lot of my favorite people, though, so I had fun. There were Jeff, Mia and Tim, Mike, Dan, and dear Philip Scharer, as well as Jennifer and Meli, who are likely to become some of my favorite people.
The rehearsal dinner was at The Old Spaghetti Factory, which was nice, as I could order my favorite meal there, spaghetti with browned butter and mizithra cheese. Family members were gathered for the joyous occasion.
We had Jeffrey, looking handsome in his maroon shirt. Tim looked confident, while Mia seemed disconcerted. Mia posed with Uncle David and Aunt Susan. And Aunt Susan presented the happy couple with a quilt, handmade by the world-famous Susan Laity Price.

Week before last, Jeff and I drove all day to make it to Phoenix for the rehearsal, but forgot about the hour time difference between AZ and CA (it wasn't there a few weeks ago!), so we were late. However, Tim and Mia were even later than we were, so yay them! The rehearsal was pretty low-key. Jennifer was the most relaxed bride I've ever encountered; Dan was rather more uptight. I was there with a lot of my favorite people, though, so I had fun. There were Jeff, Mia and Tim, Mike, Dan, and dear Philip Scharer, as well as Jennifer and Meli, who are likely to become some of my favorite people.
The rehearsal dinner was at The Old Spaghetti Factory, which was nice, as I could order my favorite meal there, spaghetti with browned butter and mizithra cheese. Family members were gathered for the joyous occasion.
We had Jeffrey, looking handsome in his maroon shirt. Tim looked confident, while Mia seemed disconcerted. Mia posed with Uncle David and Aunt Susan. And Aunt Susan presented the happy couple with a quilt, handmade by the world-famous Susan Laity Price.

bad things
I have an infection. It started out as a urinary tract infection, and now I think it has moved into my kidneys. Ouch! Stiffness and lower back pain, and some trouble breathing. I am planning to get into the doctor's office tomorrow morning.
My computer is occasionally on the fritz as well. I think the power source is having issues, so I'll have to see about getting it replaced.
My computer is occasionally on the fritz as well. I think the power source is having issues, so I'll have to see about getting it replaced.
12 November 2006
09 November 2006
Nabbed from Sherida's blog
Kiti Feely ate 27 hotdogs in 5 minutes | |||
Kiti Feely died 3 minutes later | |||
'What will your Headline be?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
![]() |
'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
A word of advice, Paris: Stay away from hot dogs!
![]() Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Sometimes even hypochondriacs really ARE sick, you know.
08 November 2006
Ooo, ooo, new Bones tonight!
I have to do still more laundry, and then pack.
-Go to work - Done!
-Organize classroom and prep for sub - Done!
-Go to gym - Done!
-Fix and eat dinner (focusing on vegetables) - Went to dinner w/ Keiko!
-Watch Bones
-Possibly watch something else, to clear off DVR
-Wash, dry, and fold or hang up laundry
-Pack for travel to Phoenix
-Call or e-mail Sharon and Bekah
-Brush and floss
-Clean cat litter box
-Throw away or recycle 10 items
I have to do still more laundry, and then pack.
-Go to work - Done!
-Organize classroom and prep for sub - Done!
-Go to gym - Done!
-Fix and eat dinner (focusing on vegetables) - Went to dinner w/ Keiko!
-Watch Bones
-Possibly watch something else, to clear off DVR
-Wash, dry, and fold or hang up laundry
-Pack for travel to Phoenix
-Call or e-mail Sharon and Bekah
-Brush and floss
-Clean cat litter box
-Throw away or recycle 10 items
At work on my to-do list from yesterday:
-Work - Done.
-Cook and eat dinner - Went to have dinner w/ Debbie and Jerry. =)
-Go to choir - Done.
-Laundry - Working on it.
-Practice guitar and flute - I strummed the guitar a bit when I got back from choir, but folks are in bed, so I can't do music any more tonight.
-Put away 10 items - Done.
-Throw away or recycle 10 items - Recycled one. Threw away several.
I have to work tomorrow, then pack and get ready to leave early Thursday morning.
Readers, why don't you leave me a comment, with at least one suggestion for a way to occupy oneself on a long car drive to Phoenix?!
-Work - Done.
-Cook and eat dinner - Went to have dinner w/ Debbie and Jerry. =)
-Go to choir - Done.
-Laundry - Working on it.
-Practice guitar and flute - I strummed the guitar a bit when I got back from choir, but folks are in bed, so I can't do music any more tonight.
-Put away 10 items - Done.
-Throw away or recycle 10 items - Recycled one. Threw away several.
I have to work tomorrow, then pack and get ready to leave early Thursday morning.
Readers, why don't you leave me a comment, with at least one suggestion for a way to occupy oneself on a long car drive to Phoenix?!
07 November 2006
Today was fairly low-key.
Went to work, went to gym, came home.
There never seems to be enough time to do everything that needs to be done.
I need to make my lunch for tomorrow, and then collapse into bed.
-Cook and eat dinner
-Go to choir
-Practice guitar and flute
-Put away 10 items
-Throw away or recycle 10 items
Went to work, went to gym, came home.
There never seems to be enough time to do everything that needs to be done.
I need to make my lunch for tomorrow, and then collapse into bed.
-Cook and eat dinner
-Go to choir
-Practice guitar and flute
-Put away 10 items
-Throw away or recycle 10 items
05 November 2006
Life is a Banquet

...And most poor suckers are starving to death!
I managed to be blessed and fed, however. Last night, we had another semi-annual Alternate Banquet. We invited a lot of people, but many of them were not able to make it, so it was an intimate event.
The November 2006 Banquet was held at Portofino's in La Habra, and it was a great choice of restaurant: the food was great, the prices reasonable, the atmosphere perfectly classy (the only flaw being the occasional loudness of the live singer/pianist duo in the bar right on the other side of a partition). We had good conversation and reaffirmed the importance of family and friends.
With my friend Will Thorpe.

Mum and Dad in the restaurant.

The whole crowd by the fountain on the Terrazo at the restaurant.


The Ladies (Elizabeth, Deb, Mum, Sara) and the Gentlemen (Will, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Dad, Bryan).
03 November 2006
Friday evening
We were going to have Book Club, but it was cancelled due to schedules and stuff.
I had a busy but satisfying day at xxxxxxxx Middle School. My students acted like little demon spawn today. Yes, we are nearing a full moon...
Note: A young man told me that he thought my method of smiling sweetly all the time, and never yelling at my students, but rather coming up to them and whispering instructions was very scary. It really is effective. I seldom raise my voice in my new classroom. I simply crouch next to their desks and say things like, "It would be in your best interest to stay in your seat and do your math worksheets" in a quiet little voice. Heheh.
I had a busy but satisfying day at xxxxxxxx Middle School. My students acted like little demon spawn today. Yes, we are nearing a full moon...
Note: A young man told me that he thought my method of smiling sweetly all the time, and never yelling at my students, but rather coming up to them and whispering instructions was very scary. It really is effective. I seldom raise my voice in my new classroom. I simply crouch next to their desks and say things like, "It would be in your best interest to stay in your seat and do your math worksheets" in a quiet little voice. Heheh.
We went to a Halloween party with our Bible study. People came in costumes of varying extravagance and originality.
The M&Ms thought this was their best side.

Glenn's roommate (whose name I can't remember, for some reason) was "Liger" Woods (i.e. the opposite of Tiger Woods).

Sarah didn't wear an entire costume, but she had a plastic skull ring artistically arranged on her nostril... and festive socks.

Dylan came as the SuperGadgetMan, Dylan 5000

Alisa was The Beach (high-concept!).

Melinda came as some sort of Indian or Pakistani woman. She said it was the most comfortable costume ever.

Glenn WAS Napoleon Dynamite, up to and including the lanyard keychains.

And Deb and Jeff came as happy Hogwarts students. Jeff was a wholesome Gryffindor wizard, and Deb represented Ravenclaw. We were most proud of the fact that we assembled our costumes with things we just had lying around the house (e.g. the wands were chopsticks that we colored with Sharpie pens).
The M&Ms thought this was their best side.

Glenn's roommate (whose name I can't remember, for some reason) was "Liger" Woods (i.e. the opposite of Tiger Woods).

Sarah didn't wear an entire costume, but she had a plastic skull ring artistically arranged on her nostril... and festive socks.

Dylan came as the SuperGadgetMan, Dylan 5000

Alisa was The Beach (high-concept!).

Melinda came as some sort of Indian or Pakistani woman. She said it was the most comfortable costume ever.

Glenn WAS Napoleon Dynamite, up to and including the lanyard keychains.

And Deb and Jeff came as happy Hogwarts students. Jeff was a wholesome Gryffindor wizard, and Deb represented Ravenclaw. We were most proud of the fact that we assembled our costumes with things we just had lying around the house (e.g. the wands were chopsticks that we colored with Sharpie pens).

I do have a rep to maintain...
Believe it or not, I occasionally enjoy my job now. I'm making my way back up the list of meanest teachers at xxxxxxxx Middle School. It helps to be the teacher in the class that kids are supposed to hate. I just make everyone be absolutely silent, and help kids with their work if they want it. If they mess around, I smile sweetly and kick them out to be suspended. I walk softly and carry a big walkie-talkie.
At home, I'm trying to finally do some cleaning and organizing. I wish we had less stuff.
We're getting caught up on Bones, and I'm getting ready for Alternate Banquet this weekend and Dan's wedding (*gulp*) the weekend after.
At home, I'm trying to finally do some cleaning and organizing. I wish we had less stuff.
We're getting caught up on Bones, and I'm getting ready for Alternate Banquet this weekend and Dan's wedding (*gulp*) the weekend after.
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